Phil Cox Counselling Walton-on-Thames - Weybridge - Hersham

*** Please note that I am currently in the process of relocating my practice, so am not taking on new clients at the moment. Thank you for your interest  ***


I offer counselling from my purpose-built, comfortable counsulting room on Cottimore Lane, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, I started seeing clients via Zoom.l, and continue to offer this to clients who prefer to work this way.

I typically see counselling clients on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesday mornings.

Location. Me online new office

Now available - Zoom calls

Not all issues are appropriate for Zoom counselling and some are better worked through face-to-face; being in the same room may simply be your preference.

Features of Counselling via Zoom
Counselling with Zoom can save you time and money, as you don’t have to factor in the duration and cost of travelling to and from the session.

You can stay in familiar surroundings, rather than travel to my office or elsewhere. As long as you have a quiet space and a good internet connection, you can have your counselling session from any location, including your place of work if that suits you.

Zoom counselling makes therapy more easily available to those who have restricted mobility, are housebound, live in remote regions, or do not have childcare.

If your job involves irregular hours or a lot of travelling, or if you happen to be away from home, you can still have your session.

I speak to you from a private room and the usual rules of confidentiality apply to what we discuss.

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